Friday, April 25, 2008

Scorpio Nights

All that is know about the Scorpio Nights is that to achieve the critical mass to enable the occurrence of the event one must assemble the following in general vicinity of 22° 34' North and 88° 22'East.

Basic ingredients -
1 Accomplished Civil Servant
1 Earnest Engineer
1 Suave Banker
1 Dubious Janitor (Not in the sanitation business)
1 Subdued Handa

Additional optional ingredients –
John Barleycorn (or any of his kin)
20 Pieces of lemon
2 Packets of cigarettes
1 Packet of cigarillos
4 Credit cards
1 Sober chauffeur


Scorpio Night's™ & Scorpio Nights
1. Are distinct from the Scorpio Knight's whose brave deeds are documented at .
2. Have nothing do with the Scorpions.
3. Scorpio Night’s™ is copyrighted and trademarked. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited by law unless you have obtained written permissions (in triplicate).
4. Scorpio Nights is not copyrighted nor trademarked.


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

I think you underestimated the cigarettes and booze.
Plus, I was the chauffeur and I'm not sure I was entirely sober. Just more so than the rest of you.

AND you forgot "one numbers Handa". Who, admittedly, was very (surprisingly) subdued.


No Thanks said...

Handa accounted for


Milo Minderbinder said...

am getting One more Scorpio...\

N.T. & jAP...suggestions on colour please...( No Flaming reds...)

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Clean up the typos.

And no apostrophe in either Nights or Knights.

Come back here fast. We should have a Scorpio in a swimming pool next time round.


No Thanks said...

bsatyaki - Pink.

J.A.P - See Disclaimer. Anyhow since it's J.A.P....cleaned it up. Pink Scorpio in pool...awesome.
